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Acanthurus Leucostemon - Blue Surgeon - 45.00 €
Acanthurus leucosternon(Indian Ocea - Powderblue Surgeonfish - 45.00 €
Acanthurus Olivaceous - Orange-epaulette Surgeonfish - 45.00 €
Acreichthys tomentosus - Matted Filefish - 29.00 €
Amblygobius Hectori - Hector's Goby - 14.00 €
Amblygobius rainfordi - Rainford'S Goby - 14.00 €
Amphiprion ocellaris - Clownfish - 14.00 €
Anampses Melearides - Marble Wrasse - 15.00 €
Archaster typicus - Cleaner sand starfish - 7.80 €
Bodianus Bimaculatus - Yellow Candy Hogfish - 24.00 €
Centropyge bispinosus - Coralbeauty Angelfish - 22.00 €
Centropyge Flavicauda - Royal Blue Pygmy Angelfish - 22.00 €
Chantigaster valentini - black-saddeled Toby - 17.00 €
Chelmon rostratus - Copperband Butterflyfish - 35.00 €
Chromis margaritifer/C. bicolor - Bicolor Chromis - 6.00 €
Cirrhilabrus Cyanopleura - Blue-sided Fairy Wrasse - 21.00 €
Cirrhilabrus Lubbocki - Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse - 19.00 €
Cirrhilabrus Solarensis - Black-gill/Solar Fairy Wrasse - 26.00 €
Coris Gaimard Formosa (M/L) - African Clown Wrasse (Juv)(M/L) - 18.00 €
Diproctacanthus Xanthurus - Yellow-tailed Cleaner - 6.00 €
Dolabella auricularia (Seahare) - Sea Hare - 9.00 €
Formia Elegans - Red Starfish - 17.00 €
Gobiodon okinawae - Yellow Coralgoby - 9.00 €
Gobiodon quinquestrigatus - Red Coralgoby - 9.00 €
Halichoeres Chrysus - Golden Rainbowfish - 12.00 €
Halichoeres chrysus - - Golden Wrasse Adult - 12.00 €
Halichoeres Hortulanus - Checkerboard Wrasse (Adult) - 15.00 €
Halichoeres iridis - Radiant Wrasser - 33.00 €
Halichoeres melanurus - - Orange-Tipped Wrasse Adult - 10.00 €
Hemigymnus Melapterus - Half-and-Half Thicklip - 14.00 €
Heniochus acuminatus - Longfin Bannerfish - 29.00 €
Heteractys magnifica - L T Anemone (Light Color) - 25.00 €
Lysmata amboinensis - Cleaner Shrimp - 19.00 €
Mirolabrichthys Dispar - Disper - 12.00 €
Naso Lituratus - Orange-spine Unicornfish (M/L) - 45.00 €
Naso lituratus - (Pacific) - Orange-spine Unicornfish Adult - 45.00 €
Paracanthurus hepatus sm 1.0 - 1.5 inch - Blue Tang - Yellow belly 1.0 - 1.5 inch - 35.00 €
Paracheilinus Carpenteri - Carpenter's Wrasse - 17.00 €
Pomacanthus imperator - - Emperor Angelfish - 89.00 €
Pomacanthus imperator (j) - Emperor Angelfish Juvenile - 55.00 €
Pomacanthus navarchus - - Blue-Girdled Angelfish Adult - 85.00 €
Pseudanthias squamipinnis female - Lyretail Coralfish (Nice Color) - 19.00 €
Pseudocheilinus Evanidus - Scarlet Wrasse - 12.00 €
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia - Sixstripe Wrasse - 9.00 €
Pterapogon kauderni - Banggai Cardinalfish - 15.00 €
Ptereleotris evides - Spottail Gudgeon - 15.00 €
Ptereleotris Zebra - Zebra Goby - 17.00 €
Pterois volitans sm - Lionfish African style - 35.00 €
Siganus (Lo) magnifica - Andaman Rabbitfish - 55.00 €
Siganus (Lo) vulpinus - Foxface Rabbitfish - 25.00 €
Stenopus Hispidus - Boxing Shrimp - 12.00 €
Synchiropus picturatus - Psychedelic Dragonet - 14.00 €
Synchiropus splendidus - Mandarin Dragonet - 19.00 €
Valencienna Pullaris - Diamond Goby - 15.00 €
Valenciennea puellaris - Maiden Goby (Orange-spotted Goby) - 15.00 €
Wetmorella Nigropinnata - Red Arrowhead Wrasse - 45.00 €
Zanclus Cornutus - Moorish Fish - 45.00 €

Acanthastrea spp - Acanthastrea spp (green w/ maroon, M) - 65.40 €
Acanthastrea spp - Acanthastrea spp (red w/ grey, M) - 65.00 €
Alveopora spp - Alveopora spp (white w/ green petals, M) - 55.00 €
Alveopora spp - Alveopora spp (white w/ green petals, M) - 55.00 €
Caulastrea spp - Caulastrea spp (dark green, M) - 55.00 €
Caulastrea spp - Caulastrea spp (metallic green, M) - 55.00 €
Caulastrea spp - Caulastrea spp (yellow, M) - 55.00 €
Cladiella sp - Cultured Cladiella sp (brown, M) - 39.00 €
Cladiella sp - Cultured Cladiella sp (yellow, M) - 39.00 €
Dendronephthya sp - Cultured Dendronephthya sp (orange, M) - 39.00 €
Euphyllia ancora - Euphyllia ancora (orange tips, M) - 65.00 €
Euphyllia ancora - Euphyllia ancora (metallic green tips, M) - 65.00 €
Euphyllia ancora - Euphyllia ancora (metallic green w/ purple, M) - 65.00 €
Euphyllia ancora - Euphyllia ancora (green w/ white tips, M) - 65.00 €
Euphyllia ancora - Euphyllia ancora (metallic green w/ purple tips, M) - 65.00 €
Euphyllia glabrescens - Euphyllia glabrescens (yellow tips, M) - 65.00 €
Favia spp - Favia spp (red w/ marron and green, M) - 65.00 €
Favia spp - Favia spp (cherry red, M) - 65.00 €
Favia spp - Favia spp (red w/ grey, M) - 55.00 €
Favites spp - Favites spp (red w/ green center, M) - 65.00 €
Favites spp - Favites spp (red w/ green center, M) - 65.00 €
Rhodactis sp - Cultured Rhodactis sp (blue, M) - 65.00 €
Zoanthus spp - Cultured Zoanthus spp (fantastic mix polyps, M) - 75.00 €
Acropora spp - Echinata staghorn crl blue - 35.00 €
Acropora spp - Florida staghorn Crl green - 35.00 €
Acropora spp - Formosa staghorn crl blue. - 35.00 €
Acropora spp - Nana staghorn crl. (tricoloured) - 35.00 €
Acropora spp - Suharsonoi staghorn crl. - 35.00 €
Alveopora spp - Flower crl. - 35.00 €
Alveopora spp - Spongiosa flower crl. - 55.00 €
Caulastrea spp - Curvata polyp crl. - 45.00 €
Goniopora spp - Lobata lemon crl. purple - 45.00 €
Goniopora spp - Stokesi lemon crl. green - 45.00 €
Lobophyllia corymbosa - Corymbosa root crl. Red - 55.40 €

Capoeta Tetrazona - Tiger Barb - 3.00 €
Hemigrammus Rhodostomus 2 - 2,5 - - 2.40 €
Lamprologus Brichardi 3,5 - 4 - - 5.00 €
Mesonauta Festivus 4-5 - - 3.50 €
Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi 3-3,5 - - 4.00 €
Otocinclus/Macrotocinclus Affinis 2,5-3 - - 3.50 €
Paracheirodon Innesi 2,5 - - 1.50 €
Poecilia Reticulata - Assorted Male Guppy - 2.00 €
Poecilia Reticulata - Assorted Female Guppy - 2.00 €
Xiphophorus Helleri - Green Swordtails - 2.30 €
Xiphophorus Maculatus - Assorted ( Mix ) Platy - 2.30 €

Blyxa japonica - 4.50 €
Egeria densa - - 4.50 €
Ceratophyllum demersum - - 4.50 €
Cordyline species - - 6.50 €
Echinodorus bleheri-emerged - - 4.50 €
Anubias congensis - - 9.00 €
Bacopa caroliniana-submerged - - 4.50 €
Hygrophila difformis-submerged - - 4.50 €
Cryptocoryne lucens - - 4.50 €
Hygrophila corymbosa var. siamensis ‘Small form’-emerged - - 4.50 €
Anubias hastifolia - - 11.00 €
Glossostigma elatinoides - - 4.50 €
Cyperus helferi - - 4.50 €

Brine Shrimps (Artemia spec.) - 25 doses de 90 ml - - 2.50 €
Marine Copepods - 25 doses de 90 ml - - 2.50 €
Mysis - 25 doses de 90 ml - - 2.50 €

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Η ομάδα του Aquario.gr
Χαμοστέρνας 14

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