ΥΔΑΤΙΝΟΣ ΚΟΣΜΟΣ 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 #1 Share 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 Pomacanthus imperator Emperor Angel (M) M Pomacanthus semicirculatus Blue Kolan Angel (M) M Heniochus acuminatus Banner Fish (S) S Acanthurus leucosternon Powder Blue Tang S Acanthurus leucosternon Powdwr Blue Tang M/L Zanclus canescens Moorish Idol Amphiprion melanopus Red & Black Anemone Fish Amphiprion sandaracinos Orange Anemonefish Pseudchromis paccagnellae Royal Dottyback Signigobius biocellatus Two Spot Goby M/L Labroides dimidiatus Cleaner Wrasse Paracheilinus carpenteri Carpenter's Wrasse Pterois volitans Peacook Lion S Apolemichthys trimaculatus Flagfin Ange (M/L) M/L Centropyge bicolor Bicolor Angel M/L Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Singapore Angel Pomacanthus imperator Juv.Emperor Angel (M) M Chaetodon auriga Threadfin Butterfly (S) S Chaetodon bennetti Bennetti Butterfly (S) S Chaetodon lineolatus Lined Butterfly (S) S Chaetodon rafflesi RaflessButterfly (S) S Chaetodon rostratus Cooperband Butterfly Acanthurus glaucopareius Gold Rimmed Surgeon Acanthurus lineatus Clown Surgeon M Acanthurus olivaceous Orange Surgeon M/L Zebrasoma veliferum Pasific Sailfin Tang (S) S Amphiprion polymnus Seabae`s Anemonefish S Amphiprion polymnus Sebae's Anemonefish M/L Valencienna strigata Golden Head Goby Halichoeres chloropterus Green Wrasse Halichoeres chrysus Yellow Coris Parachilinus filamentosus Filament Fin Wrasse Diodon liturosus Porcupine Fish Centropyge bicolor Bicolor Angel S Centropyge eibli Pottery Angel M/L Genicanthus lamarck Stripe Swallow Angel M/L Heniochus acuminatus Banner Fish (M/L) M/L Acanthurus lineatus Clown Surgeon S Acanthurus triostegus Convict Tang Naso lituratus Lipstic Tang(pacific) S Amphiprion clarkii Clark`s Anemonefish S Chrysiptera parasema Yellow Tail Damsel Gobiodon okinawae Yellow Clown Goby Synchiropus Ocellatus Scooter Blenny Cromisleptes altivelis Panther Grouper S Rhinecanthus verrucosus Verrucosus Trigger Arothron hispidus Spotted puffer fiah Ostracion Cubicus Yellow Box Fish (S) S Lactoria cornuta Long Hornd Cowfish (M/L) M/L Dendrochirus zebra Dwarf Lion Lysmata grabhami Cleaner Shrimp M/L Sabellastarte indica Soft Tube Worm(brown) Sabellastarte indica Soft Tube Worm(red&white) Lysmata grabhami Cleaner Shrimp S Stenopus hispidus Banded Shrimp Lima scabra Flame Scalop Trochus Maculatus Red Stripe Tubo (Cleaner snail) SARCOPHYTON SP COMMON LEATHER CORAL (SOFT CORAL) PACHYCLAVULARIA SP GREEN STAR POLYP (SOFT CORAL) S HELIOFUNGIA ACTINIFORMIS GREEN PLATE ANEMONE M M FUNGIA FUNGITES YELLOW PLATE CORAL CAULASTRAEA ECHINULATA GREEN CANDY CORAL M M PLEROGYRA SIMPLIATA BUBBLE CORAL S S PLEROGYRA SIMPLIATA GREEN BUBBLE CORAL S S TRACHYPHYLLIA GEOFFROYI GREEN BRAIN CORAL (OPEN) S S TRACHYPHYLLIA GEOFFROYI RED BRAIN CORAL (OPEN) S S LOBOPHYILLIA CORYMBOSA RED TEETH CORAL S S GONIOPORA LOBATA GREEN JEWEL CORAL (MULTI) S S GONIOPORA LOBATA GREEN JEWEL CORAL (MULTI) M M EUPHYLLIA ANCORA GREEN BRANCH HAMMER CORAL S S NEMENZOPHYLLIA TURBIDA FOX CORAL L L TURBINARIA MESENTERINA YELLOW PAGODA CORAL M M ACROPORA SPP. STAGHORN CORAL S ΘΑ ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΗΣΟΥΝ ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΜΕΣ ΣΤΕΛΝΟΥΜΕ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΣ ΣΕ ΟΛΗ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ ΑΥΤΗ ΕΙΝΑΙ Η ΠΙΟ ΠΡΟΣΦΑΤΗ ΜΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΛΑΒΗ ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΛΛΑ ΨΑΡΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΡΑΛΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΠΡΟΗΓΟΥΜΕΝΟ ΣΤΟΚ ΑΝ ΨΑΧΝΕΤΑΙ ΚΑΤΙ ΠΟΥ ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙΤΗΝ ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΑ ΠΑΡΑΛΑΒΗ ΡΩΤΗΣΤΕ ΜΑΣ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΕΙΔΗ ΑΠΟ ΠΡΟΗΓΟΥΜΕΝΟ ΣΤΟΚ ΓΙΑ ΟΤΙ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΑ ΕΠΙΠΛΕΟΝ ΠΑΡΤΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΟΧΙ p.m. ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΣ ΛΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ------------------ Υδάτινος Κόσμος Αιγαλεω 23 & Μεθωνης 61, Πειραιας Τηλ-Φαξ. 210-4629700 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ΥΔΑΤΙΝΟΣ ΚΟΣΜΟΣ 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 Author #2 Share 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 Pomacanthus imperator Emperor Angel (M) M 92 Pomacanthus semicirculatus Blue Kolan Angel (M) M 64 Heniochus acuminatus Banner Fish (S) S 16 Acanthurus leucosternon Powder Blue Tang S 37 Acanthurus leucosternon Powdwr Blue Tang M/L 59 Zanclus canescens Moorish Idol 32 Amphiprion melanopus Red & Black Anemone Fish 8 Amphiprion sandaracinos Orange Anemonefish 8 Pseudchromis paccagnellae Royal Dottyback 7 Signigobius biocellatus Two Spot Goby M/L 9 Labroides dimidiatus Cleaner Wrasse 9 Paracheilinus carpenteri Carpenter's Wrasse 10 Pterois volitans Peacook Lion S 16 0 Apolemichthys trimaculatus Flagfin Ange (M/L) M/L 42 Centropyge bicolor Bicolor Angel M/L 30 Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Singapore Angel 14 Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Singapore Angel 14 Pomacanthus imperator Juv.Emperor Angel (M) M 36 Chaetodon auriga Threadfin Butterfly (S) S 11 Chaetodon bennetti Bennetti Butterfly (S) S 11 Chaetodon lineolatus Lined Butterfly (S) S 11 Chaetodon rafflesi RaflessButterfly (S) S 11 Chaetodon rostratus Cooperband Butterfly 19 Acanthurus glaucopareius Gold Rimmed Surgeon 19 Acanthurus lineatus Clown Surgeon M 33 Acanthurus olivaceous Orange Surgeon M/L 22 Zebrasoma veliferum Pasific Sailfin Tang (S) S 15 Amphiprion polymnus Seabae`s Anemonefish S 8 Amphiprion polymnus Sebae's Anemonefish M/L 10 Valencienna strigata Golden Head Goby 7 Halichoeres chloropterus Green Wrasse 9 Halichoeres chrysus Yellow Coris 8 Parachilinus filamentosus Filament Fin Wrasse 17 Diodon liturosus Porcupine Fish 30 0 Centropyge bicolor Bicolor Angel S 10 Centropyge eibli Pottery Angel M/L 16 Genicanthus lamarck Stripe Swallow Angel M/L 13 Heniochus acuminatus Banner Fish (M/L) M/L 19 Acanthurus lineatus Clown Surgeon S 15 Acanthurus triostegus Convict Tang 13 Naso lituratus Lipstic Tang(pacific) S 18 Amphiprion clarkii Clark`s Anemonefish S 10 Chrysiptera parasema Yellow Tail Damsel 5 Gobiodon okinawae Yellow Clown Goby 7 Synchiropus Ocellatus Scooter Blenny 8 Synchiropus Ocellatus Scooter Blenny 9 Cromisleptes altivelis Panther Grouper S 12 Rhinecanthus verrucosus Verrucosus Trigger 14 Arothron hispidus Spotted puffer fiah 20 Ostracion Cubicus Yellow Box Fish (S) S 10 Lactoria cornuta Long Hornd Cowfish (M/L) M/L 30 Dendrochirus zebra Dwarf Lion 22 Lysmata grabhami Cleaner Shrimp M/L 11 Sabellastarte indica Soft Tube Worm(brown) 5 Sabellastarte indica Soft Tube Worm(red&white) 6 0 Lysmata grabhami Cleaner Shrimp S 9 Stenopus hispidus Banded Shrimp 7 Lima scabra Flame Scalop 6 Trochus Maculatus Red Stripe Tubo (Cleaner snail) 2,5 SARCOPHYTON SP COMMON LEATHER CORAL (SOFT CORAL) 23 PACHYCLAVULARIA SP GREEN STAR POLYP (SOFT CORAL) S 19 HELIOFUNGIA ACTINIFORMIS GREEN PLATE ANEMONE M M 34 FUNGIA FUNGITES YELLOW PLATE CORAL 19 CAULASTRAEA ECHINULATA GREEN CANDY CORAL M M 37 PLEROGYRA SIMPLIATA BUBBLE CORAL S S 20 PLEROGYRA SIMPLIATA GREEN BUBBLE CORAL S S 31 TRACHYPHYLLIA GEOFFROYI GREEN BRAIN CORAL (OPEN) S S 17 TRACHYPHYLLIA GEOFFROYI RED BRAIN CORAL (OPEN) S S 20 LOBOPHYILLIA CORYMBOSA RED TEETH CORAL S S 21 GONIOPORA LOBATA GREEN JEWEL CORAL (MULTI) S S 21 GONIOPORA LOBATA GREEN JEWEL CORAL (MULTI) M M 28 EUPHYLLIA ANCORA GREEN BRANCH HAMMER CORAL S S 25 NEMENZOPHYLLIA TURBIDA FOX CORAL L L 33 TURBINARIA MESENTERINA YELLOW PAGODA CORAL M M 19 ACROPORA SPP. STAGHORN CORAL S 26 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ΥΔΑΤΙΝΟΣ ΚΟΣΜΟΣ 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 Author #3 Share 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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