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What's new for 2010 02 14 build:

- Added Betta macrostoma. Let me know if I got this right - HUGE conflicting info between profile sites on this species!

- Added Cuban Cichlid (Nandopsis tetracanthus).

- Added Blue Emperor Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri).

- Added Gold Tetra (Hemigrammus rodwayi).

- Added Green Fire Tetra (Aphyocharax rathbuni).

- Added Flagtail Prochilodus (Semaprochilodus insignis).

- Added Spotted Headstander (Chilodus punctatus).

- Added Telmatochromis brichardi.

- Added Hypancistrus contradens.

- Added Butterfly/Flounder Pleco (Dekeyseria brachyura L168).

- Added Bandit Cory (Corydoras metae).

- Added Microrasbora kubotai.

- Added Red Dwarf Rasbora (Microrasbora rubescens).

- Added Danio erythromicron.

- Added Nana Rasbora (Microdevario nana).

- Added Indonesian Tiger Fish as an alias to Finescale Tigerfish (Datnioides microlepis).

- Added American Tiger Fish (Datnioides quadrifasciatus).

- Added Lesser Spiny Eel (Macrognathus aculeatus).

- Added African Arowana (Heterotis niloticus).

- Added Garnet Tetra (Hemigrammus pulcher).

- Added Cutteri Cichlid (Archocentrus sp. Cutteri).

- Added Tiger Oscar as alias to Oscar.

- Added Spotted Rubberlip Pleco (Chaetostoma milesi L187a).

- Added African Pipefish (Enneacampus ansorgii).

- Aggression for Dwarf Puffer has been increased slightly.

- Aggression defense for African Dwarf Frog has been reduced slightly.

- Starlight Bristlenose Pleco has been changed to non-brackish.

- Added an L number to Starlight Bristlenose Pleco. (L183)

- Bristlenose Pleco and variations are marked as compatible with Tropheus D and M.

- Bristlenose Pleco and variations are marked as compatible with Lake Tang species.

- Bioloads for all Arowana species have been increased significantly.

- Water change factors for all Arowana species have been increased significantly.

- Size of Silver Arowana has been increased to 35 inches.

- Size of Asian Arowana has been reduced to 28 inches.

- Size of Australian Pearl Arowana has been reduced to 24 inches.

- Minimum size of all Arowana species have been adjusted appropriately.

- Synodontis catfishes have been marked compatible with mbuna species.

- Synodontis catfishes have been marked compatible with Malawi species.

- Gold Nugget Plecos have been marked compatible with African lake species.

- Added Elite Stingray 15 filter.

- Added Fluval EDGE aquarium tank dimension.

- Will no longer try to calculate stocking % if your tank size is smaller than 1.5g. AqAdvisor looses its stocking % calculation accuracy for really smaller tanks. If anyone needs this, I can address this in the future.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 256.

- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 70.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 763.

Requester: I thought I was missing one of the small Eclipse tank dimensions but I don't think that is the case. If still missing, please get back to me.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

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What's new for 2010 02 14 build:

- Added Betta macrostoma. Let me know if I got this right - HUGE conflicting info between profile sites on this species!

- Added Cuban Cichlid (Nandopsis tetracanthus).

- Added Blue Emperor Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri).

- Added Gold Tetra (Hemigrammus rodwayi).

- Added Green Fire Tetra (Aphyocharax rathbuni).

- Added Flagtail Prochilodus (Semaprochilodus insignis).

- Added Spotted Headstander (Chilodus punctatus).

- Added Telmatochromis brichardi.

- Added Hypancistrus contradens.

- Added Butterfly/Flounder Pleco (Dekeyseria brachyura L168).

- Added Bandit Cory (Corydoras metae).

- Added Microrasbora kubotai.

- Added Red Dwarf Rasbora (Microrasbora rubescens).

- Added Danio erythromicron.

- Added Nana Rasbora (Microdevario nana).

- Added Indonesian Tiger Fish as an alias to Finescale Tigerfish (Datnioides microlepis).

- Added American Tiger Fish (Datnioides quadrifasciatus).

- Added Lesser Spiny Eel (Macrognathus aculeatus).

- Added African Arowana (Heterotis niloticus).

- Added Garnet Tetra (Hemigrammus pulcher).

- Added Cutteri Cichlid (Archocentrus sp. Cutteri).

- Added Tiger Oscar as alias to Oscar.

- Added Spotted Rubberlip Pleco (Chaetostoma milesi L187a).

- Added African Pipefish (Enneacampus ansorgii).

- Aggression for Dwarf Puffer has been increased slightly.

- Aggression defense for African Dwarf Frog has been reduced slightly.

- Starlight Bristlenose Pleco has been changed to non-brackish.

- Added an L number to Starlight Bristlenose Pleco. (L183)

- Bristlenose Pleco and variations are marked as compatible with Tropheus D and M.

- Bristlenose Pleco and variations are marked as compatible with Lake Tang species.

- Bioloads for all Arowana species have been increased significantly.

- Water change factors for all Arowana species have been increased significantly.

- Size of Silver Arowana has been increased to 35 inches.

- Size of Asian Arowana has been reduced to 28 inches.

- Size of Australian Pearl Arowana has been reduced to 24 inches.

- Minimum size of all Arowana species have been adjusted appropriately.

- Synodontis catfishes have been marked compatible with mbuna species.

- Synodontis catfishes have been marked compatible with Malawi species.

- Gold Nugget Plecos have been marked compatible with African lake species.

- Added Elite Stingray 15 filter.

- Added Fluval EDGE aquarium tank dimension.

- Will no longer try to calculate stocking % if your tank size is smaller than 1.5g. AqAdvisor looses its stocking % calculation accuracy for really smaller tanks. If anyone needs this, I can address this in the future.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 256.

- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 70.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 763.

Requester: I thought I was missing one of the small Eclipse tank dimensions but I don't think that is the case. If still missing, please get back to me.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.


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Μια προταση για τους Διαχειριστες...

Θα μπορουσατε να καθαρισετε και να αλλαξετε τον τιτλο σε αυτο το Θεμα..?Εχει πολυ μεγαλο ενδιαφερον :)

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Μια προταση για τους Διαχειριστες...

Θα μπορουσατε να καθαρισετε και να αλλαξετε τον τιτλο σε αυτο το Θεμα..?Εχει πολυ μεγαλο ενδιαφερον :P

Perhaps the moderator can change the title for me. I'm not sure what would be appropriate in Greek language. :)

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What's new for 2010 02 21 build:

- Added Galaxy Rasbora as an alias to Celestial Pearl Danio (name has recently been changed officially).

- Added Dwarf Livebearer/Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa).

- Added Hypostomus plecostomus.

- Added Yellow Convict (Cryptoheros nanoluteus).

- Added Rosy Red Minnow (Pimephales promelas).

- Added Murray River Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis).

- Added Sorong Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fredericki).

- Added Goldie River Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia goldiei).

- Added Slender Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia gracilis).

- Added Lake Tebera Rainbowfish (M. herbertaxelrodi).

- Added Irian Jaya Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia irianjaya).

- Added Butterfly Goodeid as an alias to Butterfly Splitfin.

- Reduced bioload for African Dwarf Frog.

- Increased bioload for African Clawed Frog slightly.

- Bioload for Tinfoil Barb has been increased.

- Male betta and guppy combined will produce a warning that if both are male, it could be problematic. Although not always the case, enough cases have been reported that it should be raised as a concern.

- Mouth size for all knife fishes have been increased - they are bitey predators, likes to eat smaller fishes.

- AqAdvisor will no longer display water change % when no filters are selected. This is due to some confusion that some users will think this is the WC % they must do when they don't use any filters, which obvously is not the case.

- Added Sunsun series canister filters.

- Added Aqua One Aquis 550/750/1050 filters.

- Bug fixed: After entering quantity of species and press <ENTER> (instead of "Add" button), it will replace existing quantity instead of adding them if the same species exist already in the selected list. This has been fixed.

- New feature: "Advanced Search" has been implemented. Only one field has been added to test out this idea. More search fields will be added in the future.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 264.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 777.

Requestor: I couldn't find enough information about toadfish (the non-marine kind) to add into AqAdvisor. If you can provide some references, please let me know.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

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What's new for 2010 02 28 build:

- Added Prehistoric Monster Fish (Thalassophryne amazonica).

- Added Dwarf Livebearer/Least Killifish "Male" at 0.6 inches. This species has been split into male/female due to their significant size discrepancies.

- Added Finger Fish/Mono Argentus (Monodactylus argenteus).

- Added Japen Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia japenensis).

- Added Kamaka Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia kamaka).

- Added Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia lacustris).

- Added Maylands Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia maylandi).

- Added Clown Killifish (Pseudepiplatys annulatus).

- Added Banded Leporinus (Leporinus fasciatus).

- Added Freshwater Sole (Brachirus selheimi).

- Added False Upside Down Catfish/Common Syno/Lace Catfish (Synodontis nigrita).

- Added Corydoras C079/Corydoras C082/Corydoras C083 (Corydoras loxozonus).

- Size of Dwarf Livebearer/Least Killifish "Female" has been adjusted down to 1.2 inches.

- Temperature requirement for Jaguar Cichlid has been adjusted to 25 - 28C.

- Size of Jaguar Cichlid has been increased to 14 inches.

- Temperature requirement for Bluegill Sunfish has been adjusted to 25 - 33C.

- Temperature requirement for Mayan Cichlid has been adjusted to 20 - 30C.

- Temperature requirement for German Blue Ram has been adjusted to 26 - 30C.

- Freshwater sole, previously defined as an alias to Freshwater Flounder has been replaced by Brachirus selheimi.

- Added Eheim Biofilter series filters.

- Added Aqua Nova canister filters.

- Fixed a layout bug in the copy/paste friendly mode.

- Fixed a bug: if you clear your species selection, it was also clearning filter selections. This has been fixed.

- Cleaned up scientific names on how capital/lower case letters are used.

- Generated image now handles "cm" and "L" units. Decimal places have also been trimmed.

- Advanced search has been expanded to include search using temperature ranges. If you want to search using one temperature value, use the same value for both minimum and maximum temperature range. You can mix two different search criteria together, for example - "search for species between 2 and 3 inches and suitable between 25C and 26C". Works with both "C" and "F".

- Added another "Display in C." or "Display in F." link at the top of the page.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 272.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 795.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

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What's new for 2010 03 07 build:

- Added Licorice Gourami (Parosphromenus deissneri).

- Added African Butterfly Cichlid (Anomalochromis thomasi).

- Added Asian Upside Down Catfish (Mystus leucophasis).

- Added Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus L001 L022.

- Added Misool Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia misoolensis).

- Added Mountain Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia monticola).

- Added Mubi Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia mubiensis).

- Added Black-Banded Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia nigrans).

- Added Ogilbys Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia ogilbyi).

- Added Nicaraguan Cichlid as an alias to Macaw Cichlid.

- Added Male and Female entries for Nicaraguan Cichlid due to their size discrepancies. If you know the sex, use these instead of the generic one.

- Added Banded Cichlid (Heros notatus).

- Added Redhead Severum (Heros sp. Rotkeil).

- Aggression for Honey Blue Eye has been downgraded.

- Aggression for Pacific Blue Eye has been downgraded.

- Aggression for Delicate Blue Eye has been downgraded.

- Minimum tank size for Scarlet Badis has been increased to 16x8.

- Minimum tank size for Black Phantom Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size for Black Skirt Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size for Penguin Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size for Platinum Hatchet has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size for Marble Hatchet has been increased to 20x10.

- Bioloads for all Rainbowfishes have been adjusted slightly (mostly up).

- Removed a duplicated entry for Lake Kutubu Rainbowfish. If you have this species bookmarked, you may no longer see this in your setup. Please select it again.

- Further updated attributes for Banded Leporinus, including size.

- Aggression of Royal Pleco against other species have been reduced.

- Scientific name for Severum has been updated to Heros efascticious.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 810.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!!

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What's new for 2010 03 14 build:

- Added Haplochromis sp. Ruby Green.

- Added Emerald Eye Rasbora (Rasbora dosriocellata macrophthalma).

- Added Sunset Coral Dwarf Platy(TBD).

- Added Uruguayan Eartheater (Gymnogeophagus australis).

- Added Stripefin Eartheater (Gymnogeophagus rhabdotus).

- Added Gymnogeophagus meridionalis.

- Added Rose Danio (Danio roseus).

- Added Popondetta Blue-eye (Pseudomugil connieae).

- Added Threadfin Acara (Acarichthys heckelii).

- Assigned Melanochromis johanni a common name Electric Blue Johanni.

- Minimum tank size for Blue Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size for Dwarf Rasbora has been decreased to 16x8.

- Added male/female ratio for Haplochromis sp. 44.

- Minimum tank size for Platinum Hatchet has been increased to 20x10.

- Scientific names for all Monotrete species have been replaced by Tetraodon.

- Minimum tank size for Tire Track Eel has been reduced.

- Minimum tank size for Fire Eel has been reduced.

- Aggression for Pictus Catfish has been reduced.

- Bioload for Dwarf Molly has been reduced slightly.

- Bioload for Blue Back Blue Eye has been reduced slightly.

- Bioload for Spotted Blue Eye has been reduced slightly.

- Bioloads for 2inch+ Tetras has been increased slightly.

- Added Cascade series filters as separate items. They are also found under PennPlax but many users couldn't locate them and requested for them as new filters.

- Added 220g tank dimension (72x24x30).

- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 71.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 277.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 819.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!!

Does anyone know the scientific name for Sunset Coral Dwarf Platy? This is apparently a dwarf varient of the common platy.

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I think it's Xiphophorus variatus "sunset variatus"

There's lots of confusion on this one. Some say it's just a stunted version with the same scientific name and others say it is a different variant. Thanks for the info, I'll keep looking into this.

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What's new for 2010 03 21 build:

- Added Needlenose Gar (Xenentodon cancila).

- Added Harlequin Shark (Labeo variegatus).

- Added Lake Mbuta Rainbowfish (Pelangia mbutaensis).

- Added Kiunga Blue Eye (Kiunga ballochi).

- Added Xenotilapia ochrogenys.

- Added Xenotilapia bathyphilus.

- Added Xenotilapia papilio.

- Oscar size has been increased to 14 inches.

- Oscar bioload factor has been increased slightly.

- Bioload for Kuhli has been increased slightly.

- Scientific name for Sunset Coral Dwarf Platy has been updated as Xiphophorus maculatus (same as the regular Platy).

- WC factor for Blue Acara has been increased.

- WC factor for Threadfin Acara has been increased.

- WC factor for Platinum Acara has been increased.

- WC factor for Port Acara has been increased.

- WC factor for Red Breasted Acara has been increased.

- WC factor for Yellow Acara has been increased.

- WC factor for Greenstreaked Eartheater has been increased.

- Scientific name for Jurupari Eartheater has been updated to Satanoperca jurupari.

- WC factor for Jurupari Eartheater has been increased.

- WC factor for Red Hump Eartheater has been increased.

- WC factor for Stripefin Eartheater has been increased.

- WC factor for The Pearl Eartheater has been increased.

- WC factor for Uruguayan Eartheater has been increased.

- Size for Wels Catfish has been reduced to 63 inches.

- Size of Celestial Pearl Danio has been reduced to 1 inch.

- Updated temperature requirement for Ornate Rainbowfish.

- Updated pH requirement for Ornate Rainbowfish.

- Mouth size of Chinese Algae Eater has been reduced.

- Added Rena Filstar iV series filters.

- Added Hagen Marina Slim series filters.

- Bug fixed: when "cm" mode is used, stock % written on the image was incorrect. This has been fixed.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 284.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 826.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!!

A lot of internal code has been changed for this release which is invisible to end-users. This was done to improve the maintainability of the source code, especially when I need to add more new features in the future. I may have unintentionally broke some of the existing features. If anyone observes such defects, please report them in the forum.

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What's new for 2010 03 28 build:

- Added Green Tiger Barb as an alias to Tiger Barb.

- Added Hystrix Stingray (Potamotrygon hystrix).

- Added Geophagus sp Red Head Tapajos.

- Added Blue Ram as an alias to German Blue Ram.

- Added Cyprichromis sp. Leptosoma Jumbo.

- Added Cameron Armoured Shrimp (Atyopsis gabonensis).

- Added Blue Pearl Shrimp (Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. blue).

- Added Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos.

- Added Tramitichromis sp. Intermedius.

- Increased bioload for Red Terror.

- Silver Dollar and Discus have been marked as incompatible to each other.

- Increased bioload for Scatophagus argus.

- Temperature requirement for Cardinal Tetra has been raised to 24-30.

- Increased bioload for Kissing Gourami.

- Tea Cup Stringray has been detached from Motoro Stingray's alias. It is now set as a 14inch species. Its scientific name has been assigned to Potamotrygon scobina.

- Increased bioload for Clarias Catfish.

- Increased bioload for Green Chromide.

- Updated temperature requirement for Dwarf Gourami - minimum has been reduced to 23.

- Size of Ornate Birchr has been reduced to 24 inches. Minimum tank size requirement has also been reduced to 72x24.

- Increased bioload for Frontosa.

- Size of Polypterus Bichir Lapradei has been reduced to 25 inches. Minimum tank size requirement has also been reduced to 60x24.

- Aggression for Bleeding Heart Tetra has been increased slightly.

- Increased bioload for Mayan Cichlid.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Weeksi Bichir has been reduced to 72x24.

- Increased bioload for Trimac.

- Size of Cyprichromis Leptosoma has been reduced to 4.5 inches.

- Increased bioload for The Pearl Eartheater.

- Aggression for Red Phantom Tetra has been reduced slightly.

- Size of Giant Gourami has been increased to 30 inches. Bioload has been increased correspondingly as well.

- Increased bioload for Nimbochromis livingstonii.

- Increased bioload for Silver Prochilodus.

- German Blue Ram has been marked to produce "food" warning when smaller shrimps are present.

- Increased bioload for Chuco Cichlid.

- Bolivian Ram has been marked to produce "food" warning when smaller shrimps are present.

- Some other more aggressive small species will also produce similar warning messages against smaller shrimps.

- Increased bioload for Black Diamond Cichlid.

- Aggression for Honey Blue Eye has been reduced slightly.

- Warning about possibilities of jump has been added to Red Tail Black Shark and Rainbow Shark.

- Increased size of Rummynose Tetra to 2 inches.

- Adjusted minimum height requirement for all species. Extreme cases like a 100g tank with 1 inch height will produce warnings.

- Aggression for Honey Gourami has been reduced.

- Betta splenden male and Gouramies together will show a warning.

- Added Penn Plax Cascade Canister filters - 700/1000/1200/1500.

- Added Oceanic Biocube series tanks.

- Added Red Sea Max series tanks.

- Added Current Aquapod series tanks.

- Added 24g D-D Nano Cube 24 tank.

- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 79.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 288.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 836.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!!

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What's new for 2010 04 04 build:

- Added Dimidiochromis compressicep.

- Added Dimidiochromis strigatus.

- Added Sunset Platy (Xiphophorus variatus).

- Added Cherry Spot Rasbora (Rasbora rubrodorsalis).

- Added Sunset Platy (Xiphophorus variatus).

- Added Flower/Wood shrimps as alias to Bamboo Shrimp.

- Added Marble Goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata).

- Added Twig Catfish (Farlowella vittata).

- Added Reticulated Stingray as an alias to Teacup Stingray.

- Added Riffle Shrimp (Australatya striolata).

- Bioload of Bahia Red has been increased slightly.

- Bioload of Geophagus sp Orange Head Tapajos has been reduced slightly.

- Bioload of Redhead Severum has been reduced slightly.

- Spawning aggression for Apistogramma species have been reduced slightly.

- Bioload of Zebra Tilapia has been increased slightly.

- Added Rhino/Alligator Pleco (Pterygoplichthys scrophus).

- Bioload of Cyrtocara moorii has been increased slightly.

- Spawning aggression for Angelfish & Altum Angels have been reduced slightly.

- Bioload of Macaw Cichlid has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size for Needlenose Gar has been reduced to 48x18.

- Bioload of Lepomis megalotis has been increased slightly.

- Size of Yellow Lab has been increased to 4.5 inches.

- Size of P Acei has been increased to 5 inches.

- Bioload of Uaru Cichlid has been increased slightly.

- Bioload of Satanoperca jurupari has been increased slightly.

- Male to female ratio has been assigned to Swordtales.

- Bioload of Nimbochromis venustus has been increased slightly.

- Separate male and female entries have been added to Swordtales due to their size discrepancies (hence different bioloads)

- Bioload of Yellow Perch has been reduced slightly.

- Size of Aulonocara jacobfreibergi has been increased to 7 inches.

- Bioload of Lepomis gibbosus has been increased slightly.

- Adjusted pH requirement for Garnet Tetra.

- Bioload of Clown Killifish has been reduced slightly.

- Reduced aggrssion of Blood Parrot.

- Bioload of Lampeye Killifish has been reduced slightly.

- Bioload of Bumblebee Goby has been reduced slightly.

- Bioload of Marble Hatchet has been increased slightly.

- Bioload of Rummynose Tetra has been increased slightly.

- Bioload of Rosy Red Minnow has been increased slightly.

- Bioload of Blind Cave Tetra has been increased slightly.

- Bioload of Penguin Tetra has been increased slightly.

- Added Sacem Marathon series filter.

- Added Jebo 178 filter.

- Added Aqua World series filters.

- Added 16g Aqueon bowfront tank dimension.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 296.

- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 81.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 850.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!!

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What's new for 2010 04 11 build:

- Added Indonesian Snakehead (Channa Micropeltis).

- Added Orangespotted Snakehead (Channa aurantimaculata).

- Added Emperor Snakehead (Channa marulioides).

- Added Bullseye Snakehead (Channa marulius).

- Added Whiteseam Fighter (Betta albimarginata).

- Added One-Spot Betta (Betta unimaculata).

- Added Snakehead Fighter (Betta channoides).

- Added Pygmy Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia pygmaea).

- Added Red-Finned Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia rubripinnis).

- Added Fly River Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia sexlineata).

- Added Chequered Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia splendida inornata).

- Added Olga Cory (Corydoras simulatus).

- Added Haplochromis nyererei.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus palmas buettikoferi has been reduced.

- Aggression for Honduran Red Point has been reduced slightly.

- Bioload of Banded Archerfish has been increased slightly.

- Some of the warnings for Betta Imbelis has been removed.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Dwarf Gourami has been increased to 20x10 (10g).

- Mouth size of Pictus Catfish has been increased to 2 inches.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Golden Oto has been increased to 20x10 (10g).

- Bioload of Bluegill Sunfish has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus retropinnis has been reduced.

- Bioload of Electric Blue Hap has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus mokelembembe has been reduced.

- Bioload of Green Sunfish has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus teugelsi has been reduced.

- Bioload of Pumpkinseed has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri has been reduced.

- Bioload of Red Empress has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus endlicheri congicus has been reduced.

- Bioload of Redear Sunfish has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus ansorgii has been reduced.

- Bioload of Redeye Tilapia has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus senegalus senegalus has been reduced.

- Bioload of Warmouth has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus delhezi has been reduced.

- Bioload of Butterfly Peacock has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus palmas palmas has been reduced.

- Bioload of Labeotropheus Fuelleborni has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus palmas polli has been reduced.

- Bioload of Placidochromis electra has been increased slightly.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Polypterus lapradei has been reduced.

- Minimum tank size requirment for Pristella Tetra has been increased to 20x10 (10g).

- Minimum tank size requirment for Oto has been increased to 20x10 (10g).

- Minimum tank size requirment for N. Brevis has been increased to 20x10 (10g).

- Minimum tank size requirment for Cardinal Tetra has been increased to 20x10 (10g).

- Added Rapids Mini Canister Filter.

- Added 20g x high (20x10x24) tank dimension.

- Added 30g x high (24x12x25) tank dimension.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 297.

- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 83.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 863.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!!

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What's new for 2010 04 18 build:

- Added Ctenochromis horei.

- Added Achara Catfish/Marbled Pim (Leiarius marmoratus).

- Added False Julii Cory (Corydoras trilineatus).

- Added Mono Sebae (Monodactylus sebae).

- Added Telmatochromis dhonti.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Neolamprologus Similis has been increased to 20x10.

- Marked all Otocinclus species as being compatible with Dwarf Puffer.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Flag Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Reassigned Rubberlip pleco as an alias to Rubbernose Pleco.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Otocinclus cocama has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Von Rio Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Neolamprologus Multifasciatus has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Head and Tail Light Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Hatchet has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Harlequin Rasbora has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Flame Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Dwarf Pencilfish has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Black Neon Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Red Phantom Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Neon Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Mosquito Rasbora has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Golden Dwarf Barb has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Rasbora rubrodorsalis has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Swift Rasbora has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Panda Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Emerald Eye Rasbora has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Endler has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Pygmy Cory has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Dwarf Cory has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Green Neon Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Espei Rasbora has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Ember Tetra has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Dwarf Rasbora has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Celestial Pearl Danio has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Nana Rasbora has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Microrasbora kubotai has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Honey Blue Eye has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Danio erythromicron has been increased to 20x10.

- Minimum tank size requirement for Dwarf Livebearer has been increased to 20x10.

- Fixed a bug: When only 1 kind of species are selected, territorial space calculation was not being reported correctly, hence did not report a warning when too many of the same species were present by themselves. This has been fixed.

- Added Hydor Prime 10/30 filters.

- Added All Pond Solutions EF series filters.

- Added Hagen Fluval G3/G6 filters.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 303.

- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 83.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 869.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!!

I have been working hard on the salt water version of AqAdvisor. Initially, it will be somewhat simple and will only feature few species at a time. Hopefully with some help, saltwater species DB will grow as well. I am hoping that the early version will see its light starting next Sunday! I'd like to focus on few species at a time and get the accuracy nailed earlier on. I will continue to develop the freshwater version though - features like support for plants and sumps are still planned.

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I have been working hard on the salt water version of AqAdvisor. Initially, it will be somewhat simple and will only feature few species at a time. Hopefully with some help, saltwater species DB will grow as well. I am hoping that the early version will see its light starting next Sunday! I'd like to focus on few species at a time and get the accuracy nailed earlier on. I will continue to develop the freshwater version though - features like support for plants and sumps are still planned.


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What's new for 2010 04 25 build:

- Updated the minimum tank size requirement for swordtales to 20x10! I realize this is small given the size of the species, but with a reason. If you want to see the thread that talks about this topic, please PM me, I can provide the link.

- Silvertip Tetra has been marked as fin nippers.

- Red Eye Tetra has been marked as fin nippers.

- Penguin Tetra has been marked as fin nippers.

- Tiger Barb, Green Tiger Barb and Albino Tiger Barbs have been marked as common shoalers.

- "Seriously overstocked" warning has been split into two levels and the lower level warning has been toned down.

- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 303.

- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 83.

- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 869.

To access the application, please click on AqAdvisor site.

If you have any species that are missing in AqAdvisor DB, please let me know!!!

New feature: Saltwater version has been released in this release. Initially it will only features 14 species. Please look at the instructions on the application page for requesting new species and reporting incorrect results. Suggestions are also welcome! This release is highly experimental - significant efforts will be spent improving this version of the application.

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I believe that it is a good application and certainly very helpful information can come out of it.

However, there isnt any consideration for plants though and it makes the filtration capacity calculation inaccurate because of this. Plants absorb ammonia and thus the filter isnt overworking itself.

For my setup, I believe that the filter performance as stated by your app is wrong. It doesnt make sense that a hagen stingray 15 is 50% adequate (60L, 300L/h) for a well-planted 60L community tank of 15 fish (7x z.danio, 4 x False Julii Corydora, 4 X Platy)... :D

Έγινε επεξεργασία - Aris262
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I believe that it is a good application and certainly very helpful information can come out of it.

Thanks. :D

However, there isnt any consideration for plants though and it makes the filtration capacity calculation inaccurate because of this. Plants absorb ammonia and thus the filter isnt overworking itself.

That is true and a "plant advisor" will be coming in the future. :D Possibly allowing you to choose different plants along with requirements for each plant species.

For my setup, I believe that the filter performance as stated by your app is wrong. It doesnt make sense that a hagen stingray 15 is 50% adequate (60L, 300L/h) for a well-planted 60L community tank of 15 fish (7x z.danio, 4 x False Julii Corydora, 4 X Platy)... :ninja:

Actually, AqAdvisor uses manufacturer quoted number x 65%. The reason is because just about all manufacturers are too generous with their filtration capacity numbers. This is done as a safety precautions. :thumbup:

I noticed your filter is missing from the app though. I will add "Hagen Stingray 15" filter to AqAdvisor list in the next build on Sunday.

Thanks for the feedback! :bowdown:

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